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meet the participants

Here you can find information about some of the electronic music DJs and producers that were interviewed as part of our research.

Brazilian DJs

Bia Marques (2024, via Google Meet) 

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DJ e agitadora na cena carioca desde 2013, Bia Marques ganhou notoriedade por seus sets ecléticos musicalmente. Sempre em busca de evolução, aprimoramento de técnicas e novas sonoridades, além da luta pela conquista de espaço feminino-lésbico no meio. Ao longo de sua trajetória, tocou em eventos que ultrapassam a fronteira carioca e nacional. Em 2020, Bia Marques se tornou curadora e residente da Fervo Fluxo, festa que passa por diferentes países da Europa levando funk e suas vertentes, além de idealizadora e produtora da Rompiendo, projeto criado especialmente para levar diversos estilos musicais latinos às pistas.


Erica Alves (2020, via Google Meet) 

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Musician and singer, she was part of a rock band for six years. In parallel, she also dedicated herself to developing a solo project, Érica, with the proposal of experimenting with the use of analog within the digital context, something that she defines as her brand. His interest in DJing emerged after the creation of his own label, Baphyphyna, through which he launched artists such as Pinaud, Cassius Augusto and Jacques Default. According to her, becoming a DJ was a consequence and the culmination of her years of experience doing Live Act, based on her interest in cataloging the production of Brazilian electronic music. With that, she began to reconcile her new DJ career with her solo career and work on her label. Since 2018, she has also been a teacher at the WAVE Live Act, a course specializing in music production and initiation into electronic music founded by her in partnership with João Pinaud.

Marian Flow (2020, via Google Meet)

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A member of the electronic duo Flow&Zeo, Marian Flow lived for a year in New York, where she met people from different parts of the world and had the opportunity to attend many rock concerts and some electronic music clubs. However, his first really remarkable contact with the genre was at a time before the electronic genre exploded in Rio de Janeiro, at a party that featured the presentation of the German duo GMS. She was also present at Trance Fusion, the first rave in Rio de Janeiro, invited by Zeo, who would later become her partner in life and on the dancefloor. Thus, electronic music became part of Flow's life. The beginning of his DJ career was at the Bunker nightclub, in Copacabana, where he became a resident after an invitation from a college friend. She says that everything she learned, she learned on the dancefloor: playing, researching and exchanging knowledge with other DJs.

Isa49 (2020, via Google Meet)

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Isa49, or Isa forty-nine, is from Brasília. She is known for inhabiting the city's underground parties and made her debut as a DJ in October 2019, when she shared a booth with Paulo Foltz and Elísio Romero. Passionate about music research, her sets are loaded with punchy bass and deep melodies. It mainly moves between melodic techno and techno, without, however, limiting itself to these two genres. Her main musical and artistic influences are female, especially: Anna, Adiel, Blancah, Eli Iwasa, Ellen Allien, Lauren Mia, Mila Journeé, Miss Melera and Zaria. She is currently part of the LGBTQIA+ DJ collective “Bege Crew” and the team at Portal Tuntistun (DF).

Canadian DJs (anonymous interviews)

T. (2019, in person) 

DJ and music producer. 

C. (2019, in person) 

DJ and music producer. 

G. (2019, in person) 

DJ and music producer. 

D. (2019, in person) 

DJ and music producer. 

D. (2019, in person) 

DJ and music producer. 

This site was created with support and funding from CNPq.

Edited by Andrews Mouta. Created with

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